About us
Malý Berlín is an independent cultural center located in the historic center of Trnava on the first floor of a renovated town house on Štefánikova 4. We are part of Nádvorie, where You can find several award-winning gastronomic establishments, coworking and especially exceptional public space.
We are a member of Anténa – a network for independent culture and Trans Europe Halles, the largest pan-European network of cultural and creative centers.
More than 300 events take places in the two halls of the cultural center every year, most of them directly from our production. The program is intended for all age groups and participants in theater and dance performances, concerts, film screenings, literary parties, conferences, discussions and educational events. We also organize our own festivals – the Ypsalon writers festival and the YouTopia music video festival. We also organize more events for the professional public.
Malý Berlín Cultural Center is a project of the citizen association Publikum.sk. More information about its activities can be found at the address: http://oz.publikum.sk.
Why the name Malý Berlín (Little Berlin)? The name Little Rome is known to everyone outside of Trnava. It refers to history, and a bit about the present of the city. On the other hand, Little Berlin is supposed to refer to the future that we see for Trnava in the development of culture and creative industry. And today, Berlin is considered the center of independent culture in Europe. We want to take the best of both worlds and create something really unique here.
Who is the center’s program for? We want to do everything to make it really for everyone. It should not be just place for alternative culture and art, although it will have its place here as well. Malý Berlín should be gradually open all day, so there will be always something for schools, families with children, young people, university students, adult audiences and seniors.
What are our goals? They are ambitious. We want to make Little Berlín the center of the cultural life of Trnava in the wider area and one of the most important symbols representing Trnava in Slovakia and abroad.